Wednesday 10 April 2019
Evangelising Linux in the Workplace
Speaker: Bob Bailey
Bob Bailey will outline two campaigns he waged in two separate workplaces: one failed completely, but one resulted in significant adoption. He will analyse the differences in approaches and share what he has learnt about about selling the penguin!
Non Photo Real rendering in Blender
Speaker: John Flower
John Flower will demonstrate creating stylistic renders with the newest version of Blender (2.8).

$2 gold coin donation.
- Agenda
- Welcome
Chair: Nick Skarott - Evangelising Linux in the Workplace
Speaker: Bob Bailey
7:10pm - Break
Tea & coffee
Donations collected - General Business
8:15pm - Non Photo Real rendering in Blender
Speaker: John Flower
8:20pm - Doors close
- Welcome
Thanks Bob Bailey for you interesting item – Evangelising Linux in Business. Because I am still stucj in WIN-7 32-bit, I was looking into the issues whivh might be catastrophic when all support ceases. I came across an item by Chris Titus which was very informative and well reasoned. I theen noticed he is a Linux business tech and he has posted a lot of items about the problems with Windows- and using Linux for business and gaming. Specifically I watched his first item about the business problems of microsoft Windows. So I thought Bob Bailey might find some more points in these, but then he is also into gaming on Linux too. So you might take a look and see what you think.