7pm, Wednesday, 08 July 2020
Speaker: Joseph Calkin
Joseph will talk about why Git is useful for version control. How it compares with SVN and how to use it.

Expanding Horizons
The Intersection of Amateur Radio and Computing
Speaker: Giovanni Moretti – ZL2GX and Graeme – ZL2GZ
Amateur radio is a hobby of exploring the limits of radio, electronics and digital technologies. Once licensed, you’re allocated a worldwide-unique callsign and can operate (and build) radio equipment capable of international and space-based communication.
Being an interest centred on electronic communication, there’s naturally a strong overlap with computing, with Arduino and Raspberry Pi and Linux being widely used. There are many facets to the hobby ranging from the seriously technical through to providing communications support for search-and-rescue (SAR), Civil Defence and Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (AREC).
In this talk, we’ll will give an overview, including how you can:
communicate internationally from your backyard (without the Internet or cell phones)
use both voice and digital modes on-air
design and build radio transceivers and antennas
send signals 2000km using just a Raspberry Pi and a micro-transmitter.
use Linux to link into international Internet-linked DMR and DStar (digital mode radio) networks
become involved in the ongoing efforts to build a regional radio-linked TCP mesh network
Should any of these pique your interest, we’ll finish by outlining how you can become licensed.
$2 gold coin donation.
- Agenda
- Welcome
Chair: John Flower
Speaker: Joseph Calkin
7:10pm- Break
Tea, coffee, & biscuits
Donations collected - General Business
8:05pm - Expanding Horizons
Speaker: Giovanni Moretti – ZL2GX and Graeme – ZL2GZ
8:10pm - Doors close
- Welcome