June: Lightning talks


7pm, Wednesday, 12 June 2024


Last November (2023), we ran lightning talks, shorter technical talks of up to 10 minutes each in length, instead of the usual two longer talks. The feedback for this was really good, so we’re having another go this month. We have the following speakers and topics scheduled, probably in this order:

* Tom Ryder: Shell quotes
* Nick Skarott: Stuff the big three
* Joseph Calkin: What it takes to serve an endpoint
* Richard O’Donoghue: LinuxGSM
* Chris Winkworth: check_mk
* Josh Sunnex: Docker and Wireguard


Milson Community Centre


$2 gold coin donation

Coffee and biscuits will be provided, but please feel free to bring along your own snacks and drinks.

Agenda (rough)

  • 7:00pm: Welcome (Tom Ryder)
  • 7:10pm: Lightning talks begin
  • 7:50pm: Tea and coffee break
  • 8:10pm: General business (Nick Skarott)
  • 8:20pm: Resume lightning talks
  • 9:00pm: Doors close

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