October: ASUS and new tools


7pm, Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Topic 1/2: Reverse engineering ASUS ROG laptops—Part 2

Speaker: Luke Jones

Finding and reversing binaries to figure out WMI calls and args. Plus a short demonstration of looking for info in a DLL. And if time permits, demo of reversing the ASUS ROG Azoth keyboard.

Topic 2/2: Tools, old and new

Speaker: Tom Ryder

A lot of text-based terminal tools on GNU/Linux systems have been around such a long time that when someone attempts to replace them with something that works better, nobody even notices. Even formally deprecating them doesn’t help if people don’t notice! Tom will run through a few tools that are deprecated, or at least sub-optimal, and that have widely-available replacements that are very likely already installed on a GNU/Linux system. You may be surprised how much of your tool-set has better alternatives—and no, not just more colorful ones, or ones re-written in Rust…


Milson Community Centre


$2 gold coin donation

Coffee and biscuits will be provided, but please feel free to bring along your own snacks and drinks.


  • 7:00pm: Welcome (Tom Ryder)
  • 7:10pm: Topic 1/2: Reverse engineering ASUS ROG laptops—Part 2 (Luke Jones)
  • 7:55pm: Tea and coffee break
  • 8:05pm: General business (Nick Skarott)
  • 8:10pm: Topic 2/2: Tools, old and new (Tom Ryder)
  • 9:00pm: Doors close

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