November: TTD and TF

NOTE: The original plan for this month’s meeting was a set of lightning talks, but in part due to your humble secretary’s pre-occupation, we haven’t found enough speakers, so instead we’re going to have two shorter and more relaxed talks and just have our usual coffee and chat the rest of the time.


7pm, Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Topic 1/2: OpenTTD: A Free Transport Game

Speaker: Tom Ryder

OpenTTD is a free and open-source software remake of the classic MS-DOS-era game Transport Tycoon Deluxe, in which players build a transport network of trains, trucks, planes, and ships, moving both passengers and cargo around a map of towns and industries. On top of re-creating the original game for the modern era, the developers of OpenTTD have added many niceties, including entirely new features—and, perhaps most fun of all, networked multiplayer. It’s one of Tom’s favourite games, and he’ll close the talk with a short demonstration of gameplay.

Topic 2/2: Making a vent of frustration useful—WTF is TF?

Speaker: Nick Skarott

Things sometimes don’t go your way and you need to vent a volcano of stress. Thankfully, someone made a helpful command line package so you can make those vents useful. Nick will walk you through this hilarious wee program that will turn your frown upside down and potentially restore productivity.


Milson Community Centre


$2 gold coin donation

Coffee and biscuits will be provided, but please feel free to bring along your own snacks and drinks.


  • 7:00pm: Welcome (Nick Skarott)
  • 7:10pm: Topic 1/2: OpenTTD: A Free Transport Game (Tom Ryder)
  • 7:55pm: Tea and coffee break
  • 8:05pm: General business (Tom Ryder)
  • 8:10pm: Topic 2/2: Making a vent of frustration useful—WTF is TF? (Nick Skarott)
  • 9:00pm: Doors close

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