7pm, Wednesday, 12 April 2023
Topic 1/2: Writing a Linux desktop app with a client library
Speaker: Scott Davies
Are you sick of editing text files manually and doing the same thing over and over in bash? I’ll use some simple scripts and a widget toolkit to show why GUI apps should not be forgotten. Simple Linux desktop apps are easy, they can save you time and they’re more friendly to others than the command line. And you don’t have to set up a web server, manually change user, or copy and paste anything every time before you can get things done. I might event drag in a example of using it with redis for storage, too.
Download slides (application/pdf, 304 KiB)
Download source code (application/zip, 12 KiB)
Topic 2/2: LastPass post-mortem
Speaker: Nick Skarott
The 2022 LastPass hack exposed a huge amount of private user information, including stored password databases, and in doing so exposed some glaring security and process failures on LastPass’ part. Nick will explain what happened, and why.
Continue reading “April: Desktop apps and LastPass post-mortem”